On My Radar No 43

Happy Friday! I'm settling in nicely with my new camera and have been incredibly excited to film this week. I spent most of my week doing some admin stuff and prepping my videos for the next few months and I can't wait to share some of my upcoming content with you soon! In the meantime, here are a few of the things on my radar this week.

RESISTING SELFIE CULTURE | I never take selfies. If you follow me on Instagram you'll never see me post one. This lack of photographic sharing isn't for any reason other than the fact that I'm uncomfortable taking them but this article outlines some more impactful reasons it may be worthwhile to resist our selfie culture. 

IDEAL HUMIDITY LEVEL | If you live in the south the south or on the coast you're no stranger to humidity and the havoc it wrecks on our hair, skin and makeup but what about how it impacts our health? This article outlines the ideal humidity levels for our homes.

HOUSE TOUR | I love a good house tour and this one is fantastic! 

EASIEST WAY TO LOOK PUT TOGETHER THIS SUMMER | Looking and feeling put together in the dead of summer is no easy feat but matching sets are a very easy way to combat this and I'm totally on board!
