My 2018 Closet & Style Goals


One of my favorite bloggers, Lee Vosburgh, shares her "Closet Mission" at the start of each year. In these posts, she outlines what she loves about her current closet and what she hopes to gain or change about it - all in pursuit of sartorial satisfaction. 

After reading her 2018 post, I felt inspired to share my own closet goals this year. So, in today's post I'm outlining what I love about my current wardrobe and personal style, as well as the things I want to change and where I hope to be with it all at the end of the year. 


Since turning 30 last year, my personal style feels stronger than ever. With every passing day and fashion choice that I make I gain a stronger sense of self. The fabrics, colors and silhouettes that I gravitate towards, and the outfits that I put together, all reflect the way that I feel, and at the moment I won't settle for anything less than feeling great. Gone are the days of jumping onto every trend train that pulls into the station. Gone are the outfits and silhouette that make me feel anything but 100% comfortable in my skin. Instead, they've been replaced with simple classics that I can, and do wear for years, and flattering yet comfortable cuts and colors that I love for more than one season. 

I've always known that each of us is comprised of a never-ending stream of unique experiences that make us who we are, but it wasn't until recently that I began articulating my own experiences through the clothes that I wear, the jewelry that I adorn myself with and the beauty choices that I make. Since making that choice a few years ago, I've embraced the diversity of what makes me who I am as it's set against the backdrop of my life, and I've fully stopped trying to adhere to what I think I should be. Instead, I've worked on self acceptance in a whole new way both internally and externally and I love that my current wardrobe (and attitude towards life) reflects this more and more every day. 


Moving into 2018, I hope to continue showcasing my personality and unique life experiences through my clothes, but I also want to take it even further with a few tweaks outlined below.  

  • SHOP EVEN MORE CONSCIOUSLY | I make many efforts to shop consciously. I frequently purchase items second hand or gently used, rarely frequent fast-fashion retailers and many of the items I do own from these retailers were purchased years ago or pre-owned. I love vintage. I regularly hem, mend and tailor pieces before I discard them, and I pride myself on wearing everything I own until it wears out. That said though, I would love to expand my patronage of local artisans and craftsman as well smaller indie brands that are wither US-based and those that work to better the lives of women, children and the underprivileged around the world. 
  • MINIMIZE MY WARDROBE EVEN FURTHER | I am constantly re-evaluating my closet and editing pieces that I no longer wear but this year I would like to make a few more hard cuts. Off the top of my head, there are definitely a few pieces that I haven't worn enough in the last year or two to justify keeping them in my closet and I would love for them to end up with someone that will use them more. 
  • GO MAKEUP FREE MORE, MAYBE EVEN FOR A MONTH OR TWO | There's no denying that I love makeup and beauty products or that both can be used to adorn our faces in a way that is both creative, liberating and indicative of how we want the world to see us. It also can't be denied that when treated like a mask or shield, makeup can be damaging to our self-esteem and even though I frequently go out without a stitch of makeup, I would like to up the ante in that department. My hope is that an experiment of this nature will help me to see my bare face as "appropriate" and pretty whether I'm wearing wearing gym clothes and doing yard work or donning a beautiful evening dress and headed out for date night. Instead, I want to get to a place where my bare face feels perfect paired with luxe pieces and indulgent experiences. Of course, I'll document the whole process with you here and over on my YouTube channel when the time comes. 
  • WEAR MORE DRESSES | I've never been much of a dress wearer. Sure, I'll wear a black dress from time-to-time and I have my go-to blue lace shift for the more formal moments in my life, but I don't own many day dresses or sundresses and this year I would like to change that. Since moving back down to the south, I've had to make a few tweaks to the looks and pieces that I've grown accustom to wearing. Throughout this process I've found myself craving dresses more than ever and this year I would love to find a few that are versatile, lightweight, easy to care for and can be worn practically year-round. 
  • WAVES FOR DAYS | Last but not least, I want to embrace my natural hair texture in order to welcome in a new wave of self acceptance. I touched on this briefly in my general 2018 goals post, but I want this journey to signal a shift in how I view myself and my natural beauty all while spending less time getting ready in the morning and ultimately allow my hair to become as healthy as it possibly can be. 

And there you have it! Those are my top closet goals for 2018. I'm excited to share my progress on these goals with you this year and I would love to know what your goals are. Also, please don't hesitate to send over any post or video recommendations. 

