Happy Friday! Is it just me, or has this been the longest week? Maybe it's because we had an unusual start to the week thanks Hurricane Irma, or that the days are beginning to shorten, but it has felt like Friday since Wednesday. That said, I'm thrilled that the weekend is finally here and I intend to spend the day filming a few videos to catch up from this past week. Until then, here are a few of the things I've loved this week.

1. I have a major soft spot for historic homes and this beautiful remodel is inspiring me to take on more than a few house projects. 

2. Since the official first day of fall is just a few days away, I've been thinking about picking up an item or two to update my wardrobe but have been having a hard time finding classic pieces that I actually want to buy - that is until LL Bean released their new catalog. There are so many classic pieces this season that you know will last for years thanks to LL Bean's unwavering commitment to quality. 

3. Now that we're getting closer and closer to full on decorating our house, I've been taking in every piece of decorating knowledge I can find like this piece on how to hang art and I have to say that One Kings Lane has become my go-to. 

4. With the passing of Irma, my family and I were all very lucky to make it out unharmed and with minimal damage to our homes. Unfortunately, not everyone was as lucky. I am currently working on a post about ways you can help those in need, but in the meantime and friend of mine shared a call to action too poignant not to share. Please see below and if you can share or donate, it will be truly treasured.  

"Immokalee was hit particularly hard by Irma last week (2) - as of the 2000 census, the median income for a family in Immokalee was $22,628 (1). Many families there did not have considerable resources to begin with, and now they have even less, some have absolutely nothing. If you're watching the TV or reading the news feeling frustrated that you are unable to impact what you see, please consider donating to the Harry Chapin Food Bank of Southwest Florida (3), Guadalupe Social Services (6) or the Guadalupe Center (4)*, and please consider designating your gift for Irma relief for Immokalee residents."

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immokalee,_Florida
2. http://www.cnn.com/…/florida-trailer-homes-destr…/index.html
3. http://www.harrychapinfoodbank.org/
4. http://www.guadalupecenter.org/
5. https://www.cbsnews.com/…/disaster-relief-donations-that-d…/
6. https://www.facebook.com/guadalupesocialservices/

5. Last but not least, I'm so excited that Nancy Meyers and her daughter have teamed up for a new film with Reese Witherspoon! I love everything Nancy Meyers does so when I saw this newest release I couldn't wait for the feel good vibes, beautiful home decor and lovely wardrobes and after seeing the trailer I think this will live up to my expectations. 
