Gold Vs Silver Jewelry & How To Choose The Right Jewelry

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Today's video is all about gold vs silver jewelry. How you can choose the right jewelry for you, why I wear yellow gold even though it doesn't suit me and how I mix metals. Thank you so much for watching xx Audrey


*Thank you Mejuri for sponsoring today's video! #ad #paidad

Today I'm partnering with Mejuri to share 7 style tips I wish I knew when I was younger. These are things I've learned over the years to enhance my style and have fun with fashion. I've linked all of the Mejuri pieces I styled below and thanks so much for watching! xx Audrey

You can see all of my Mejuri pieces styled throughout & some of my other favorites via my affiliate link here

Disclaimer: This is a paid advertisement. All opinions are always my own. Some affiliate links are used above, which means if you purchase through my links below I may receive a very small amount of the sale. This doesn't change the price you pay. Thank you so much for watching and supporting my channel!

7 Wardrobe Planning (Curation) Tricks That Changed My Life

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Today I'm sharing 7 wardrobe curation tips that changed my life. These are the things I've figured out over the years to help me build my dream wardrobe without going broke or getting overwhelmed. Thank you so much for watching xx Audrey

0:48 Progress Over Perfection

1:48 Budget Before You Buy

2:56 Stay True To You

3:47 Year-Round Color Palette

4:29 Year-Round Fabrics & Patterns

5:54 Personalize It

6:47 Don’t Throw It All Out

  1. Progress Is Better Than Perfection - When I first started this whole process and did my first big clear out I was overwhelmed with starting from scratch and felt this incredible burden to find the perfect white shirt, the perfect pair of black pants and this pursuit of perfection actually paralyzed me a little and instead of looking to what I already had and mixing and matching those pieces, I became too focused on the next step or what I didn’t have.

  2. Stay Within Your Budget and Be Kind To Yourself and Realistic With Your Wardrobe Goals - Maybe you want to have a closet full of sustainable, locally made pieces but your budget doesn’t allow for that and every time you see someone buy something from those brands it makes you feel like you’re falling short. My recommendation is to be kind to yourself and do what you can with what you have. Be thoughtful and intentional with your purchases, buy only what you need and the best quality you can afford, take care of it and wear it proudly.

  3. What’s Perfect For Someone Else, Doesn’t Have To Be Perfect For You - We all have unique style and personal tastes and lives and what’s perfect for me may not work for you at all and that’s ok!

  4. Year-Round Color Palette - I used to have some colors I wore in winter and some I only wore in spring but as I’ve gotten more and more into my wardrobe curation, the more I’ve realized the benefit of having a year-round palette that I can interchange to suit all 4 seasons. Now I have a palette that I can wear all year long with a few lighter and darker pops for interest.

  5. Year-Round Cuts and Fabrics - Speaking of year-round wear, I’ve also starting focusing more on fabrics, cuts and patterns that I can also wear all year. Much like a year-round color palette this has allowed me to mix and match for freely and get even more use out of my wardrobe.

  6. Personalization Goes A Long Way - Specifically personalized jewelry and accessories. Things like antique pieces and my signet ring and locket have helped me inject individuality into my wardrobe that extends beyond just the clothes I’m wearing or how I’ve styled them. In my experience, it’s these little touches that make all the difference. Also, I love collecting accessories that I can wear when I travel and visit new places and it’s a great way to inject some personalization into your look.

  7. Don’t Get Rid Of Everything - It can be so tempting to get rid of everything and start fresh when you set out to curate your dream wardrobe but I encourage you to resist the urge. Instead of actually donating, selling or gifting things you think you’ll no longer wear, I recommend setting them aside in a container or storage box and keeping them out of site. That way, as you’re going through this process you can retrieve them and add them back into your wardrobe if you find yourself thinking of them and reaching for them. If I had done this in the beginning I would have saved myself a lot of frustrating and repeat buying.

Work From Home Outfits & Why I Get Dressed To Go Nowhere (VIDEO)

Today I'm sharing my go-to outfits for working from home and why I like to get dressed even when I'm not going anywhere. I've been working from home for a few years now and with so many more of us suddenly working from home and practicing social distancing, I hope my tips can help bring some normalcy to your life. As always thank you so much for watching and I'm sending you a virtual hug and good health xx Audrey


  • MORE PRODUCTIVE: I’ve worked from home for going on 4 years now and I always feel more productive when I don’t stay in my pj’s all day.

  • ROUTINE & ACCOUNTABILITY: It helps create routine and order which I think can be very helpful for staying motivated and holding yourself accountable. Especially when you don’t have someone looking over your shoulder to keep you accountable.

  • SELF-CARE & SELF-WORTH: It’s so important to take time for yourself and never stop putting energy into your health and all around wellbeing and for me, getting ready for the day is one of the easiest ways to show up for myself. It’s so easy to think that you shouldn’t get dressed or take care of yourself if you aren’t going to see anyone, but what about seeing yourself? You’re just as worthy as anyone else to see and appreciate you at your best and forgetting to take care of yourself in any capacity that you see fit can definitely start to wear on you and your overall sense of self-worth.


  • DRESSED UP CASUAL: Think casual Friday in a traditional office or general office wear in a casual or creative office and go with that. I love this approach for days I may want to go out for dinner (during normal times - not as I’m practicing social distancing) after work or if I’m feeling extra special. So for me, this equals a cute blouse or simple t-shirt to suit the season and weather, jeans and whatever jewelry I’m loving at the moment. It’s that simple! From there I would add a blazer or jacket and shoes if I go out (socks or bare feet if I’m staying in).

  • NOTHING BEATS A DRESS: This next one is an outfit I go to when it’s extra hot outside. A cute and comfortable dress never fails and ensures I feel put together without melting. Plus, during the warmer months I can easily wear a cute dress with different shoes and accessories and it’s so easy to throw on that getting dressed during difficult weather doesn’t become a hassle.

  • COMFY & COZY: This next one is an outfit I wear when it’s cold outside and want to feel a little more dressed up. I’ll wear one of my sweaters, jeans or my elastic waist black pants, cozy socks and favorite jewelry. From there I can easily add a scarf, hat and/or gloves and a blazer or jacket and boots etc as needed.

  • SUPER CASUAL: One of my favorite things about working from home is the freedom I have and on days when I have less work to do, or I may have stayed up late editing the night before and plan to keep my to-do list short, I’ll opt for a super casual look that consists of either leggings, joggers or my elastic waist black pants, a t-shirt (long or short to suit the weather), a sweater if it’s cold, and cozy socks.
