Work From Home Outfits & Why I Get Dressed To Go Nowhere (VIDEO)

Today I'm sharing my go-to outfits for working from home and why I like to get dressed even when I'm not going anywhere. I've been working from home for a few years now and with so many more of us suddenly working from home and practicing social distancing, I hope my tips can help bring some normalcy to your life. As always thank you so much for watching and I'm sending you a virtual hug and good health xx Audrey


  • MORE PRODUCTIVE: I’ve worked from home for going on 4 years now and I always feel more productive when I don’t stay in my pj’s all day.

  • ROUTINE & ACCOUNTABILITY: It helps create routine and order which I think can be very helpful for staying motivated and holding yourself accountable. Especially when you don’t have someone looking over your shoulder to keep you accountable.

  • SELF-CARE & SELF-WORTH: It’s so important to take time for yourself and never stop putting energy into your health and all around wellbeing and for me, getting ready for the day is one of the easiest ways to show up for myself. It’s so easy to think that you shouldn’t get dressed or take care of yourself if you aren’t going to see anyone, but what about seeing yourself? You’re just as worthy as anyone else to see and appreciate you at your best and forgetting to take care of yourself in any capacity that you see fit can definitely start to wear on you and your overall sense of self-worth.


  • DRESSED UP CASUAL: Think casual Friday in a traditional office or general office wear in a casual or creative office and go with that. I love this approach for days I may want to go out for dinner (during normal times - not as I’m practicing social distancing) after work or if I’m feeling extra special. So for me, this equals a cute blouse or simple t-shirt to suit the season and weather, jeans and whatever jewelry I’m loving at the moment. It’s that simple! From there I would add a blazer or jacket and shoes if I go out (socks or bare feet if I’m staying in).

  • NOTHING BEATS A DRESS: This next one is an outfit I go to when it’s extra hot outside. A cute and comfortable dress never fails and ensures I feel put together without melting. Plus, during the warmer months I can easily wear a cute dress with different shoes and accessories and it’s so easy to throw on that getting dressed during difficult weather doesn’t become a hassle.

  • COMFY & COZY: This next one is an outfit I wear when it’s cold outside and want to feel a little more dressed up. I’ll wear one of my sweaters, jeans or my elastic waist black pants, cozy socks and favorite jewelry. From there I can easily add a scarf, hat and/or gloves and a blazer or jacket and boots etc as needed.

  • SUPER CASUAL: One of my favorite things about working from home is the freedom I have and on days when I have less work to do, or I may have stayed up late editing the night before and plan to keep my to-do list short, I’ll opt for a super casual look that consists of either leggings, joggers or my elastic waist black pants, a t-shirt (long or short to suit the weather), a sweater if it’s cold, and cozy socks.
