Is It Too Early To Talk About Fall?

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As I’m typing this, it is HOT. We’re talking 93 degrees at 9 am hot and while I love summer (longer days, easier schedules, sunshine! blue skies!) I really, really love fall and it’s definitely my favorite season to dress for (with spring coming in as a close second).

Now that we’re settling into August and the promise of fall is around the corner, I can’t help myself from daydreaming about cooler temperatures, apple picking and of course fall clothes. Being the planner that I am, I’m using this as fuel to start thinking about my fall wardrobe and even though it may feel too early, it’s been a wonderful distraction and really, really fun.

In case it may be helpful to you as well, in today’s post I want to share some of the reasons I like to plan so far in advance for my wardrobe. I do this in general but also find an added benefit every time I do this for my seasonal wardrobes and this year I’m particularly excited about the changes I’m looking to make.



The most obvious reason I love to plan my wardrobe and seasonal closet is because I just love to plan. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been making lists and planning everything from my day to my wardrobe, so it’s no surprise that the planning phase has become one of my favorite parts of closet curation. After trying strict capsule wardrobes for a few years, I’ve learned a process that works for me by giving structure but not taking the fun out of clothes and I now have a fairly loose routine in place that always starts with inspiration. Hands down my favorite places to gather inspiration all year long areInstagram and Pinterest and I save images for every season throughout the year. As a particular season gets closer, I then start to sort through and focus in on the images I’ve saved. I tend to do this naturally about 2 months before the weather changes - which would be right about now.

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Another reason I love to plan my wardrobe is because a good plan not only gives you focus and direction but also saves money. In my experience, looking into trends, figuring out the gaps in your wardrobe and creating a wish list help you to identify the things you may want to buy with ample time to pick them up in a sale or save up for them. In fact, seasonal sales are some of my favorite ways to build my wardrobe and they (along with second hand and vintage shopping) have allowed me to add things to my closet at a fraction of their traditional retail price.

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By planning out your wardrobe and identifying the pieces that will become classic wardrobe staples for you and your personal style, you can even sometimes find things at the end of a season for over 50% off! Since it’s a classic, and something integral to your style, you can just save it until the season rolls around again. No need to feel the rush to pick something up for fall a week before the temperatures drop. Win win!


One of the most delightful side effects of wardrobe planning for me has been that it’s helped evolve my style. By saving inspiration, exploring trends, taking chances and planning purchases in advance, I’ve opened my own eyes to so many things that I probably would have overlooked. If I had just stuck to my usual closet staples and never taken the time to plan out what I wanted to get from each season, my style likely wouldn’t ever move forward and for me that would certainly take a lot of the fun out of style.

I love that personal style is a reflection of ourselves and taking time to plan out your wardrobe and actually identify what your style is can help you lean into that valuable part of self-care that can easily be pushed to the back burner.


Just like wardrobe planning saves money, I think it also saves time. One of the questions I receive the most is how I’m able to have the time to plan my closet and just like so many things in my life, I think that a little bit here and a little bit there can quickly add up to a lot.

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When it comes to closet curation and I think even a few minutes once a week is enough to gather some inspiration, wear a new combination and start propelling your style in the direction you want. Also, for me personally I think that these small steps, especially when taken far in advance of a new season, allow you to embrace style rather than feel like it’s too large of an obstacle to overcome.

By taking time to plan a month or two in advance of a new season, you save yourself countless hours of endless online shopping trying to find something to make your closet work, and you save the endless time wasted every morning not being able to find something to wear that makes you feel amazing.

Since I’ve started really curating my closet I’ve never felt better about my personal style or how I feel. It’s been such a wonderful experience that I want to do everything I can to spread the word and help inspire others to do the same.

Below, I’ve rounded up some of the top images inspiring me so far and as always you can see everything I’m saving over on my Pinterest. Happy planning!
