On My Radar No 35

Happy Friday! This week was another beautiful one filled with perfect spring weather, loads of sunshine and plenty of trips to the dog park. I know I've said it before, but spring is hands down my favorite season and Charleston really does this season justice.

This weekend I'm hoping to film an exciting new spring fashion video, make some more progress on my next eBook and do a little more design work on the house so that I can finally share a house tour soon.

In the meantime, here are a few of the things that have been on my radar this week.

37,000! | First up, I can't believe we reached 37,000 subscribers this week on YouTube!! Thank you so much for following along and I can't wait to share some exciting new videos and series in the coming weeks. 

ANTIQUING IN CHARLESTON | Fellow Charlestonian Liz recently took OneKingsLane along for a day of antiquing in Charleston. She hit all of my favorite spots and I definitely recommend giving it a read. 

GAL MEETS GLAM COLLECTION LAUNCHES | I'm sure you're familiar with Julia Engel and her beautiful blog Gal Meets Glam and today she launched her very own dress collection! I love seeing women chase and achieve their dreams and her collection is absolutely gorgeous. 

NEW SKINCARE LINE | Earlier this week, new skincare brand Circumference popped onto the scene. The packaging is gorgeous and the ingredients are said to be incredibly clean. If you're interested in natural products, they're definitely worth taking a look. 
