If you’re in the U.S. I’d like to wish you and yours a very happy Thanksgiving! Turkey day officially kicks off the holiday season and from here until New Years it can feel like an uphill race to do it all. From deadlines at work to traveling & entertaining, this time of the year can be the most exciting, but also the most stressful. It’s so easy to become overwhelmed by it all, but this season I’m taking time to slow down - intentionally.
Rather than push myself to my limits during these last two months of the year, I’ve decided that I’m going to scale back a bit and ensure everything stays as balanced as it can be. I want to make an effort to intentionally enjoy the loved ones in my life, dedicate some time to those less fortunate and take care of myself physically and mentally. In short, I’ll be working to not allow my excitement to turn into stress - stress that’s often self-induced.
Just last week I was having a conversation about the need to “keep up” and the inevitable pressure that we can put on ourselves as a result. The need to push ourselves to be better, faster and more well-rounded is a lot to handle any time of the year, but during the holidays it can feel even more amplified. So, this season I’m scaling back and only pushing myself a reasonable amount.
With this sentiment in mind I’ll be taking today, tomorrow and Saturday off and I’ll be back on Sunday with a new video. In the meantime, I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week. xx Audrey