My 2018 Goals

As I type this, I'm snuggled up under a cozy blanket looking out the window at a winter wonderland. When I moved down to Charleston from Brooklyn almost two years ago I never thought I'd have a "snow day" again, yet here I am surrounded by fluffy snow and icy branches. This unexpected bout of winter weather comes at the perfect time to remind me just how unpredictable life can be and and that despite our best efforts we never really know what's in store for us. So, with this mentality serving as my unofficial mantra for the new year I've spent the past two weeks reflecting on 2017 and honing in on what I really want to accomplish in 2018. 


Let's kick things off on a light note with some beauty goals that I hope to achieve this year. First up, is to streamline my routine (skincare and makeup) even more than I already have. If you've seen any of my past makeup or skincare videos then you know that I already have a simple routine but in 2018 I want to focus even more of skincare and even less on coverage cosmetics. With this goal in mind I've already made some swaps to my makeup routine (a video on that coming soon!) and have become increasingly happy with my very simplistic skincare routine - a video all about my updated routine is coming soon. 

Next up, I would love to finally learn how to air dry my hair so that I feel just as a great with it wavy and free as I do when it's perfectly coiffed - i.e. straightened. On the surface I know this goal seems frivolous and maybe even unimportant but on a deeper level I want this to serve as a means of personal growth in a way. I first discovered a blowdryer, curling iron and straightener when I was about 14 or 15 and have worked to master them all since then. From various products to techniques, over the years I've figured out the best ways to combat my natural texture so that I can achieve the smoothed locks that I've always loved. Now, smoothing my hair is in no way bad or contrary to my true self, but by embracing my natural texture more I hope to free up my time even further (my routine is already pretty quick but I've always loved the idea of wash and go) and become 100% comfortable with how my hair naturally falls - even if it isn't as perfect as I'd like at first. Life isn't perfect and I love the idea of embracing that in many ways this year. 


I lead a pretty healthy lifestyle. I work out regularly, eat a balanced diet, don't drink too much coffee etc but this year I would love to add a few things to the mx. First up is to eat a plant-based diet a few more times a week than I already do - in case I've never shared it before I'm a pescetarian but have been fully vegetarian and vegan in the past. This year I'd love to up the ante on how many raw veggie dishes I have in my arsenal in order to optimize the nutrients I get. That said, I have no intention of cutting out cheese or other dairy products from my diet. I think that health should be an even balance of diet and happiness and if what you're eating doesn't make you happy then what's the point? 


On the professional front I have quite a few goals that I hope to achieve this year. Since beginning my blog and YouTube channel about 2 years ago I've wanted it to be a source of inspiration, motivation and encouragement for those of you who choose to follow along. Recently, I received a comment from a reader that suggested I don't give my all to this little community and it really stung because I work very hard to create content that I'm proud of and I couldn't be happier with the community that we're all building. In addition to the smaller stepping stones outlined below, my overarching goal for 2018 is to find ways to manifest this for all of you and continue to increase the quality of my content so that I'm providing value to your lives. 

  • Consistently post 2 new videos every week on Wednesday and Sunday 
  • Increase the quality of my videos
    • I currently use iMovie and it takes me anywhere from 3-5 hours to edit my videos. I would love to increase the quality of my editing by upgrading to Final Cut Pro
    • I also want to add more visual interest to my videos by increasing the amount of cut-aways and demonstrations I have in each video
    • Figure out my autofocus issues
  • Post more frequently on Instagram
  • Create and publish an e-book, e-course (or both!) all about streamlining your wardrobe to a set of basics you can wear and love year-round
  • Share more day-to-day outfits on Instagram and YouTube. I want to do a better job of showcasing how I use my tips and the items in my wardrobe in my actual life 


On a personal level I would love to finish decorating our home and hopefully upgrade our downstairs bathroom and master bathroom. I would also like to make more time for travel this year - even if it's just a few short day trips. I personally get so much from travel and my overall happiness and creativity really suffers when I don't make time for it. 
