ON MY RADAR | No. 13

Happy Friday! This week was wonderful in so many ways. Not only did Jason and I get to take a mini vacation on Monday, but we were able to make a last-minute stop to see my parents as well! It's always nice to go home and the quick visit was just what I needed to get me through to Thanksgiving. Speaking of Thanksgiving, if you have any delicious recipes for sides or desserts please let me know. It may seem early but we're already planning some treats to bring. Now, onto a few things that have caught my eye this week.   

T&C CHARLESTON GUIDE | Recently, Town & Country published a wonderful piece all about Charleston and it was a wonderful read! This article is chock full of amazing restaurant recommendations (some I've tried and love and some that are still on my list), sites to be seen and so much more. Beyond the pretty pictures and recommendations though, I love how the piece seems to capture what makes Charleston unique and how this amazing city is embracing the future. 

VETTA CAPSULE | As a lover of capsule wardrobes, I follow quite a few bloggers and YouTubers that also don capsules each season. Recently, I've noticed quite a few of them discussing a new brand called Vetta Capsule that "create(s) mini capsule wardrobes made up of five versatile pieces that can be mixed and matched to create a month's worth of outfits." I love this concept and while I don't love every piece, I do think that this top and this dress are both cute and extremely versatile. 

STACIE FLINNER IN PARIS | I've mentioned Stacie's blog and Instagram account before (and you know how much I love both) but she recently shared snippets of her trip to Paris that have me swooning. The pictures are too gorgeous and are the perfect dose of beautiful to kick off the weekend. 

CIDER SYRUP | Now that we're finally getting some cooler weather here in Charleston (it was in the 60's this week!) I am dreaming of all my favorite autumn foods. From roasted veggies to spiced pancakes, I think this cider syrup would be the perfect topper to bring out all the fall flavors I love. 
