Nice To Meet You! A Few Fun Facts About Myself

Happy Tuesday everyone! Today's post is a little different than my usual content. One of my 2017 goals for this blog and my YouTube channel is to inject a little more of myself into it. While in the past I've stuck strictly to fashion, moving forward I would love to personalize the whole thing just a little more.

In doing so I hope that you'll be able to see more clearly just how a normal 29 year-old like myself uses a streamlined wardrobe to enhance my day-to-day life. After all, isn't the point of all of this to spend less time worrying about to wear and more time living? So, beginning with this quick sit-down chat that I filmed, I will be sharing more about what I'm doing each day, week and month in my normal life and how my closet plays into all of that. I hope that you enjoy and I'm excited to share this next step with all of you. 

Until next time,

