Adding Trend Pieces To Your Capsule

If you follow me on Instagram then you know that I finally filmed my winter capsule yesterday (it will be live tomorrow woo!). While I was setting everything aside to film I started noticing (unsurprisingly) that the majority of the pieces are classic essentials that I can wear season after season regardless of the current trends.

That said though, a few key pieces are 100% trend driven (like this sweater pictured above) and likely won't make it past a season or two. This dichotomy got me thinking about how I've arrived at this thoughtful mix and finally stopped buying into trend after trend only to have them sit unworn in my closet. Which brings me to the topic of today's post - how do you add trend pieces to your capsule without breaking the bank or your clothing rack?

To start, let me say that I love trends. Even though I tend to only invest in high quality classics that I can wear for years, trends have a special place in my closet each season. To utilize them to their full potential without losing sight of my personal style, budget and sartorial goals I like to add trends in three phases. 

PHASE 1 - What's In & What's Out?

Before I make any trend purchases each season I like to take note of the trends that are new and those that are phasing out. Once I've done that I review my closet (accessories and shoes included) and jot down the trends I already have and any that I still want to add.

PHASE 2: Set My Budget

Next, when I set my budget for the entire season I set aside a portion specifically for trends. In general I try not to exceed half of my overall budget on trends unless there are no classics that I need to add and/or any of the current trends can last me longer than 1 season. 

PHASE 3: Shop! And Fall In Love With Accessories

The last step in this process is also the most fun. Once I've set my budget and know the trends that I'm looking for I hit the shops (online or in-person). Even though this step seems like the most straight-forward, I like to stick to a few pointers to help keep me focused and from feeling defeated if a trend I've been dreaming about doesn't work out. 

  1.  If a trend doesn't suit me, it doesn't mean theres something wrong with me. It just means that I can spend more on a great pair of classic shoes or a new handbag ;)

  2. Accessories are your new best friends when it comes to trends. Instead of trying to force a new jean style or new sweater silhouette into my closet, I like to stick with accessories like hats, jewelry and shoes. I also like to use this tactic if I happen to be between sizes. Plus, accessories take up much less closet space than actual clothing so it's always a win-win. 

That's all! Those are the 3 steps that I like to take each season when adding trends into my classic wardrobe. Before I go though, I'd love to know how you shop for trends. Are there any that you're loving this season? Let me know in the comments down below and happy Saturday!

Until next time,

