Budget Wardrobe Tips: How To Dress Well On A Budget

We all want to look good, but most of us don't have an endless supply of money to do so - I know I don't! Today, I want to share the ways I've built my wardrobe slowly and thoughtfully over the years without breaking the bank or sacrificing style or quality. In short, you don't need a lot of money to look stylish and dress well, even if you're on a budget. Thanks so much for watching! xx

  • Set A Budget - My first tip is to set a budget and figure out how much you can realistically afford to spend on clothes every month. I love doing this, and having a number in your mind helps prevent impulse buys that you can’t really afford and also helps you better prioritize where and how you want to spend that budget and even help you figure out a saving plan that can get you the coat you’ve always dreamed of. For example, let’s say you can afford to save $20 every week. That makes $80 a month and $1,000 a year!

Now, to make your budget stretch as far as possible, I recommend doing a few things.

  • Shop Out Of Season - First is shopping out of season. At the end of every season retailers heavily discount their items to make room for new items and you can score some amazing deals. I also recommend shopping for coats while on vacation in a warm climate where coats are rarely needed. Often times the same coat will coat much less down south - that’s how I got my Brooks Brothers camel coat which retails for over $1,000 for under $300!

  • Set Your Priorities - Next is to set your priorities and figure out what you want to spend your money on and how you can save other places in order to do so. If you want to have more money to spend on your wardrobe, obviously you need to spend less in other areas. I’ve been doing this since I started working and making my own steady money when I was 15 and I regularly chose saving more money over buying expensive things so that my money would go further. Also, when I was living in NYC I chose to live in Brooklyn so that I could spend much less on rent and more on other things. This allowed me to spend more on my wardrobe but also have more expendable income for museums, restaurants and trips. Little things like bringing your lunch to work, making coffee at home and canceling subscription services you don’t need are some very easy ways to save money.

  • Shop Second Hand & Vintage - You know how much I love shopping second hand and vintage and it’s my top way to build a wardrobe full of beautiful pieces without breaking the bank. Often times you’re able to find things that are practically brand new (sometimes even new with tags!) for a fraction of their traditional retail price.

  • Make A Wish List & Don’t Waver - Physically writing down and planning the things you wan to add to your wardrobe (especially more expensive purchases) is a wonderful way to cut down on impulse buys and help you figure out if something will work with your existing wardrobe before you buy it. In my experience, a little thought and planning now can help save you a lot of wasted time and money in the long run and it’s certainly allowed me to stay focused on saving for one great piece instead of 5 meh pieces that I don’t actually want and forgot about a day after leaving the store.

  • Quality Over Quantity - When it comes time to actually buy something for your wardrobe it’s so important to understand what makes a quality garment and buy the highest quality you can personally afford. This may mean you can only buy 1 new thing a season, but it will also mean that if you choose things that are well made, and suited to you and your tastes it can last longer so you won’t need to replace it soon and may even be able to have things in your closet for years.

  • Don’t Invest A Lot Into Something Until You’re Certain You Love It - This is so important to ensuring you don’t waste your entire clothing budget on an expensive “investment” piece that you won’t actually wear. For example, I love blazers but it took me years of wearing and styling thrifted & less expensive blazers before I decided they were a worthy wardrobe investment. Likewise with scarves. I purchased and experimented with scarves under $10, $20 & $50 before I scaled up and bought a second hand Hermes silk scarf for $200. Then, a few years later I knew it would be a worthy use of my money to purchase a Sabina Savage scarf.

  • Reinvest In What You Already Have - Reworking what you already have is a great way to stretch your wardrobe budget and give a piece new life - without spending a lot. You can dye things, change the buttons, add lace and patches etc without breaking the bank.

Bad Habits That Are Ruining Your Hair & How to Fix Them

Today I'm sharing the bad habits that were ruining my hair - and how I replaced them with good habits to get healthier, stronger, thicker hair. Thanks so much for watching! xx

SPRING CAPSULE WARDROBE: 22 Pieces, Over 40 Outfits (VIDEO)

Today I'm sharing an classic, 22 piece spring capsule wardrobe from start to finish. A little history on capsule wardrobes, how to make one yourself including choosing a color palette, and over 40 outfits from just 22 pieces. Thanks so much for watching! xx

Buy Now Wear Forever: The Classic Locket With Monica Rich Kosann

*This series includes a gifted locket by Monica Rich Kosann. I have had this locket on my wish list for years and am so grateful to work with Monica on this series.

image source: monica rich kosann

image source: monica rich kosann

As I’ve slowly developed my personal style over the years, I’ve learned that I love classic, well-made pieces that I can wear for years to come. I extend this philosophy to everything from my blazers and sweaters to my footwear and jewelry, and I would rather wait patiently for the perfect piece than settle for something less, just to fill spot in my closet or jewelry box.

With this ethos in mind, I have been slowly building a collection of classic, beautifully made, jewelry that I can wear and love for years to come.

These pieces include delicate diamond studs, a simple gold bangle, dainty diamond necklace, signet ring and now a classic, gold locket. Each of these pieces have held a spot on my jewelry wish list that I’ve carried around with me for years, and after years of searching I've finally found the perfect locket by one of my favorite jewelry designers. I couldn't be more excited to partner with Monica Rich Kosann to add it to my collection this year! I am so grateful for such a generous gift and I can’t wait to share more about lockets and my own personal choice with you.

Just like I did with my signet ring series last year, beginning with this post, I'm going to share the entire process with you from start to finish. This series will include why I've decided to add a locket to my jewelry box, why Monica’s locket is perfect for me, the exact style I’ve chosen and how I’ll be filling it with memories I can hold close to my heart forever.


I’m sure you know what a locket is, but I love official definitions so here we go. A locket is “a small ornamental case, typically made of gold or silver, worn around a person's neck on a chain and used to hold things of sentimental value, such as a photograph or lock of hair.”

image source: monica rich kosann

image source: monica rich kosann

I can’t remember the exact moment I decided I wanted a locket I could call my own, but I do remember being very young and seeing one on display in a museum and falling in love. I loved how it glistened in the display case and I loved the hand painted portrait inside that had been commissioned to ease the pain of a long distance lover. A few years later, my love for lockets grew when I watched “A Little Princess” and the lead character Sara cherished a locket with a photo of her mother inside. I remember thinking it was so beautiful but also so special and I knew from that moment that I would love to have one of my own someday. I love how timeless lockets are and how they can be personalized to contain memories that make up our unique personal stories.

"Above all else though, I love how lockets can be personalized to represent moments we never want to forget”

For years now, I’ve been searching for the perfect locket for me. I’ve checked every antique mall, jeweler and creator I’ve come in contact with and I’m so happy that I’ve finally found the perfect piece. As you know, I love and admire jewelry designer Monica Rich Kosann and since discovering her work a few years ago, I’ve been completely smitten. I’ve explored every one of her lockets and other amazing pieces and finally decided that the 18k Yellow Gold Petite “Anna” Locket is perfect for me! I love the sleek, timeless design that in Monica’s own words, embodies pure elegance. I feel so lucky


Like I do with every purchase, I love to take my time researching the craftsmanship and attention to detail that goes into making something and for my jewelry I take it up an extra notch. Below, I’ve outlined some of the ways Monica’s craftsmanship is exceptional and the points she I personally like for my own locket.

image source: monica rich kosann

image source: monica rich kosann

  • CLASSIC OVAL SHAPE: While many silhouettes are available, I personally prefer the more traditional oval design. I love how classic this is and I think it will compliment both my wardrobe and other jewelry beautifully. Plus, it lays so perfectly.

  • SOLID GOLD, NOT PLATED: For fine jewelry, I typically prefer solid pieces over their plated counterparts. When making thoughtful purchases that I hope to have forever, I always opt for the highest quality to include the longevity of the materials. In the case of my jewelry, that means solid gold in either 14 or 18 carat.

  • OLD MEETS NEW: Another component of Monica’s craftsmanship that I love is how she embraces the fusion of old world artisanship and modern technology. From her site “Each of [Monica’s] lockets are designed down to the finest detail and incorporate the delicate balance of artistry with moving parts and hinges.

  • CRAFTSMANSHIP YOU CAN SEE: Only the most talented artisans and jewelers in the world bring Monica’s collections to life. Whether they’re creating a one of a kind design or a style you will wear every day, her team brings the highest level of detail and attention to each piece.

  • ATTENTION TO DETAIL: In Monica’s gold lockets you will often find multiple sets of hinges and interior doors that click shut to hold secrets in place. “When you close the locket you actually hear a “click”—proof that your stories are safe. We are confident that we make the best lockets you will ever find—anywhere.”

  • EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE: Last but certainly not least, personable, helpful and friendly customer service is of the utmost importance to me. There are few things I value more than pride in oneself and one's work and I think excellent customer service is an extension of this pride. I want to remember the creation of such a treasured piece with fondness and finding a friendly, trust-worthy jeweler is a key part of this.


While researching jewelers and locket artisans over the years, I took note of countless options and after delving deeper into each one (I LOVE the research part of making a purchase) I decided that Monica Rich Kosann was perfect! Her pieces are cherished the world over and worn by some of my personal style and artistic icons. I love how her pieces are not only gorgeous, but also made to last and I’m completely in love. So, to begin the process, Monica has graciously agreed to answer some questions for you about her beautiful work. Before we hop into it though, I want to say thank you again to Monica for such a generous gift! I am completely blown away by this incredible generosity and I couldn't be happier to share the process with you.

image source: monica rich kosann

image source: monica rich kosann

Q: Thank you so much for taking the time to answer these questions, Monica! To start things off, can you give us a little background on your business?

A: My brand was really an evolution. I started as a portrait photographer and always considered myself a storyteller. I started to give my clients vintage pieces filled with photos from our shoots that they could share with family and friends, display in their home and /or wear.

Over time this evolved into designing lockets, which then evolved into a full line filled with 18k gold and silver fine jewelry. Storytelling is still at the core of everything I do and each collection from lockets to charm bracelets and poesy's, are designed to tell a woman’s unique story…. and we all have a lot to say.

Q: Can you share a little bit about why you've chosen to make lockets? 

I have always loved all types of jewelry, but especially lockets and I’ve always loved the jewelry from the early 1900’s. It’s all so chic and personal and each piece was truly a work of art! I am also always inspired by going to museums and studying the jewelry in the paintings. I love the attitude of a woman wearing a locket, and always think she looks so self-assured and mysterious. There is always such a sense of mystery and I’m left wondering “Who is in her locket? Is it a friend, lover, secret admirer, child, grandparent?” It’s so fun to guess! Also, I think lockets are sexy! I think they are one of the most important pieces of jewelry a woman can own.

Q: One of the things that drew me to your company was your commitment to superior craftsmanship and that you carefully craft each necklace. I also love that your pieces are unlike any other on the market. What sets you and your products apart?

A: Quality has always been part of my brand DNA and it’s something that I’ve been committed to since the beginning. Craftsmanship (along with the creative process) is most important to us. It’s difficult to make a locket of quality and in order to do so, our lockets are designed down to the finest detail and incorporate the delicate balance of artistry with moving parts and hinges. We work with only the most talented artisans and jewelers in the world to bring our collections to life.

I’m also very lucky because my lockets cross all generations and I’m focused on keeping them modern for us all. Young girls wear them with encouraging quotes inside, travelers wear photos of aspirational places they wish to go to or may have just visited, moms wear them filled with their children. The list goes on and they serve so many purposes to help tell our stories, remember our celebrations, life’s journeys and adventures! In order to offer something for every age and style sensibility, I design pieces in silver, 18k yellow gold, rose gold and white gold, and a variety of styles including a two tone collection and our Slim Locket Collection that I just launched. Also, to make personalization a breeze, we have the Locket Bar on our website and in all the stores that carry us. It allows you to take your photos, quotes etc. from your phone (or computer), and size them to fit your locket. Then, you can print them and easily put them into your locket.

As you can see, Monica Rich Kosann offers a level of craftsmanship and quality that is often difficult to find today and I couldn't be happier about working with them on such a special piece. Thanks so much for reading and I'm looking forward to sharing the next step in this process soon. 
