How To Spot High Quality Clothing | Easy Things To Look For

One of the keys to a wardrobe that lasts, is filling it with high quality clothing in cuts and colors that suit your personal style and lifestyle. So, as we continue our slow fashion mini series, I want to share some of things I look for to ensure I'm getting the best quality possible. As we delve into these tips, remember that cost is not always an indicator of quality and I hope these tips will help you spot the highest quality garment - regardless of the price. 



HIGH QUALITY, METAL ZIPPERS| First up, I like to take a look at the zipper on a garment and only select things with secure, metal zippers. Specifically, YKK zippers which are regarded as the best in the business. Also, unless an exposed zipper is key to the design of a piece, I like my zippers to be neatly concealed with no fabric overlap for snags.

LINING | Next up, I like to look for lining - especially in more structured pieces like coats, blazers, skirts and pants. I love this feature because it usually means the piece was constructed with more care since it's an added step that takes time.

Also, the lining helps stretch the life of a piece because it creates a barrier between your skin and the fabric. Last but not least, I love when the lining is a natural fiber like silk.


EXTRA BUTTONS & THREADS | Another thing I look for (especially when buying something new) is extra buttons and threads either sewn into the care tag or placed in a small bag in one of the pockets. These additions are usually an indicator that the garment has been built to last and was designed to be around long enough to need repairs. Plus, these small touches make repairs a lot easier when you don't need to track down the exact thread or buttons used. 

NATURAL FIBERS | In my last video, I shared a few of my favorite natural fibers, why I love them for a lasting wardrobe and how I spot the highest quality of each. These fibers are also one of the top things I look for in high quality clothing. While this certainly isn't the only factor when it comes to longevity, it certainly helps and I've great luck with these especially when shopping second hand or vintage.

STRONG, NEAT SEAMS & THREADS | Strong, neat, even stitches and seams done with strong thread are an absolute must for quality clothing. Before making a purchase, I always take a look at the stitching for any snags, obvious fraying or loose threads because these signs are an indication that the piece was assembled quickly and sloppily and they will only get worse with time. Next, I like to tug gently on the seams and make sure they don't fall apart of course and that they also have a good about of give without losing their shape. After all, our bodies aren't stationary and our clothing should move freely with us. Another thing I like to do is hold the stitching up to the light. If a ton of light comes through or I can clearly see to the other side, I'll pass on the piece.

FINISHED SEAMS & HEMS | Much like the point above, finished seams are a strong indicator of quality. All of the seams on a piece should lay flat and have no puckering or other irregularities. If the piece passes that initial test, I like to flip it inside out and take a peak at how the seams and edges have been finished. Unfinished edges are a sign of very poor quality. Serged edges (the common loopy egde that you see on most clothing) are better than unfinished edges, and they can last a long time but they aren't the best. These edges are pretty simple to do with a serging machine that does everything for you - sew the seam, finish the edges and cut off the excess fabric. French seams on the other hand, are the best of the best. These are much more complicated to do and are usually a true indicator of quality. 

EVEN PATTERNS | When shopping for patterned clothing like stripes, florals and plaids, I like to make sure that everything lines up properly. This is a great way to spot how much care and time was taken in the construction and how expensive the fabric may have been for each piece because you can't just use any piece of the fabric to make the garment. 

SECURE, STRAIGHT BUTTONS | You know how much I love great buttons and swapping cheap buttons for higher end buttons can elevate an entire piece. When it comes to quality though, I like to look a little deeper and make sure that the buttons are all perfectly in line and firmly secured. I make sure there aren't any loose threads, sloppy stitching, or other defects. Then, I like to pull the buttons slightly and make sure they don't unravel and I check if they've been reinforced by a smaller button on the back. This last touch is one that you'll usually only find in very well made pieces. That last thing I check on the buttons is that the buttonholes all line up with the buttons, are sewn well, and that they aren't too small to accommodate the buttons.

EVEN, RICH DIE | Like I mentioned in my last video, some fabrics dye easier than others but I still like my pieces to have a rich, even dye throughout and I won't buy something that's faded or blotchy. If I'm shopping second hand though, I'm a little more forgiving in this department because you can have some pieces re-dyed. 

WELL-CUT | Last but not least, I like things to be well-cut and offer a tailored fit even without tailoring. When creating clothing, the more tailored the piece, the longer it takes to sew. Something that already looks good off the rack was likely constructed with more care and time than something that has a one size fits all feel. This is especially true of my blazers and coats and I won't buy either unless they have a structured defined shoulder and the sleeves are the same length. 

On My Radar No 48


Happy Friday from humid Charleston! Since I've been trying to embrace my natural hair texture and finally learn how to work with my waves, humidity has been one of my biggest obstacles. (That and the fact that my hair takes over 10 hours to air dry !!!).

So, as I spend another day testing different products and remedies for frizz, I'm also filming some new videos for when I'll be in Maine, and preparing for our trip to Vacationland. In the meantime though, here are a few of the things that have caught my eye this week.

VICTORIA BECKHAM X OLD MASTERS | I love how Victoria Beckham incorporated classic paintings into her showroom. It's such an unexpected way to appreciate the old masters and the juxtaposition between her modern designs and these classic paintings is just wonderful. 

SURPRISING WAYS DEHYDRATION AFFECTS US | As a former classic vocalist, dehydration is my number one concern and this article about the surprising ways dehydrating affects us is very informative. 

DIY CURE FOR DARK CIRCLES | I love a good DIY, especially when it comes to beauty and this cure for dark circles looks like it actually works! 

Inspiration | The Beauty Of Neutrals

Inspiration | The Beauty Of Neutrals

Maintaining and sticking to a minimized wardrobe can be tricky at times. For me, the most difficult moments come when inspiration is running low and the seasons are right on the cusp of changing. Even though it will likely stay very warm here in Charleston for a few more months, I'm already dreaming of fall clothing, so to keep me focused on my long term wardrobe goals, get me excited for the pieces I already have, and help me focus in on the few if any new pieces I may want to add, I've started gathering fall inspiration.

Natural Fiber Guide | The Best Fabrics For A Lasting Wardrobe

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When building a wardrobe that can stand the test of time, three things are essential - a cohesive color palette, classic silhouettes that compliment your personal tastes and lifestyle, and pieces made from lasting materials that only get better with time. Today, I want to focus on the last part of that puzzle and discuss the beauty of natural fibers.


Natural fibers, or substances produced by plants and animals that can be spun into thread and then woven, knitted, matted or bound, are a wonderful choice for our wardrobes. These natural fibers are typically a better wardrobe investment because when cared for correctly, they truly stand the test of time. Below, I've outlined some of the top reasons I like to keep things as natural as possible when it comes to my closet.

  • They last longer
  • They're easier to care for
  • Some natural fibers are considered to be self cleaning and will naturally eliminate bacteria so you don't need to wash them as often
  • They're more sustainable
  • They're biodegradable 
  • They're less toxic to us and the environment


Now let's delve deeper into a few of my favorite natural fibers and how to spot the highest quality of each.

  • CASHMERE: I love cashmere for it's super soft texture, longevity and warmth and it's my favorite fabric for sweaters. To spot the highest quality cashmere: 
    • It should be super soft. This softness comes from the length of the fibers, and the best cashmeres in the world use long thin fibers.

    • Also, the fabric should feel thick and densely woven. To test the strength of the fabric, you can tug on it slightly and take note of whether or not it bounces back. Higher quality cashmere will bounce back and won't retain the impression of your hands. 

    • Another way to score the best deal possible is to check the tag to see if it’s two-ply or one-ply. One-ply is less durable than two-ply and can be more prone to developing holes. Two-ply is generally regarded as the gold standard of cashmere. 

  • WOOL: Next up is wool. I love wool for jackets and scarves and I would love to add a wool sweater to my collection in the future. Before we hop into the specifics of this fabric, I want to note that cashmere is technically a wool because it comes from an animal. For the sake of this post though, I'm using wool to refer to the non-cashmere materials typically used for coats, sweaters and blazers. 

    • Wool is more durable than cashmere so it typically lasts longer

    • Since Wool can come from different animals, there’s a lot more texture variety than there is with cashmere

    • The finer the wool, the higher the quality. You'll typically see wool referred to as ‘Fine Merino Wool’ or ‘Ultrafine Merino Wool’ with ultrafine being the highest quality

    • High quality wool will be 100% wool or a blend of wool and other natural fibers like cashmere or silk so always check the label for these details

    • Like cashmere, high quality wool should be densely woven and bounce back when lightly pulled

  • SILK: I love silk for how luxurious it feels, how beautifully it drapes and how it adds visual interest to the other textures and materials I love to wear. 

    • The quality of silk is determined by momme weight (the heavier the momme, the higher the quality) but this information is usually very difficult to find so the easiest way to determine the quality of silk is by the way it feels in your hand. It should feel substantial and soft.

    • It should also be pretty opaque and you shouldn't be able to see too clearly through it because that typically means the fabric is very thin and may not last longer than a few seasons. 

  • LINEN: Hands down my favorite fabric for the warmer months is linen and apparently there's good reason for this. Linen, which comes from the flax plant, is often referred to as nature's wicking fabric because it can collect up to 20% moisture before it feels damp. Linen also gets stronger when wet and has some natural antimicrobial properties which help eliminate odors. Plus, linen is very breathable so it's perfect for year-round wear - especially when layered up with wool and cashmere during the colder months. 

    • To spot high quality linen, the country of origin can be helpful. France and Belgium are considered the best environments for growing flax and Ireland and Italy are recognized as the best for weaving the flax into linen. 

    • The die should be even and rich

    • Look out for yellowing on white linen because the discoloration can't be reversed

    • When you roll or bunch the fabric in your hand, good linen will wrinkle but it will also bounce back slightly 

    • Because of the moisture wicking properties, pure linen it should feel slightly cool to the touch 
  • COTTON: Nothing beats cotton for year-round wear and I love it because it's affordable, comfortable and easy to care for. 

    • High quality cotton will feel soft, not scratchy

    • You should be able to stretch it slightly without it looking too thin

    • For jeans, I love 100% cotton or 98% and 2% elastane because they last longer than other blends, they hold their shape and are easy to care for 

    • For cotton tops (especially button downs I love a more substantial cotton. I find that they not only last longer but are easier to care for. I can more easily treat stains without damaging the fabric, and I also find that they lay better on the body
