On My Radar No 35

Happy Friday! This week was another beautiful one filled with perfect spring weather, loads of sunshine and plenty of trips to the dog park. I know I've said it before, but spring is hands down my favorite season and Charleston really does this season justice.

This weekend I'm hoping to film an exciting new spring fashion video, make some more progress on my next eBook and do a little more design work on the house so that I can finally share a house tour soon.

In the meantime, here are a few of the things that have been on my radar this week.

37,000! | First up, I can't believe we reached 37,000 subscribers this week on YouTube!! Thank you so much for following along and I can't wait to share some exciting new videos and series in the coming weeks. 

ANTIQUING IN CHARLESTON | Fellow Charlestonian Liz recently took OneKingsLane along for a day of antiquing in Charleston. She hit all of my favorite spots and I definitely recommend giving it a read. 

GAL MEETS GLAM COLLECTION LAUNCHES | I'm sure you're familiar with Julia Engel and her beautiful blog Gal Meets Glam and today she launched her very own dress collection! I love seeing women chase and achieve their dreams and her collection is absolutely gorgeous. 

NEW SKINCARE LINE | Earlier this week, new skincare brand Circumference popped onto the scene. The packaging is gorgeous and the ingredients are said to be incredibly clean. If you're interested in natural products, they're definitely worth taking a look. 

Buy Now Wear Forever: The Signet Ring Pt 3

Now that we've gone over why I'm adding a signet ring to my everyday jewelry rotation and the composition and style points I'm looking for, I want to go over the fun stuff - the engraving! In this post I'm going to share the different options for engraving types as well as the designs available and ultimately which I've chosen and why.


To kick things off, let's go over the types of engraving available. Generally speaking, there are three types of engraving and each offers a different end result to suit a customer's preferences and budget. In my research I've seen more than these three but for the sake of this post I'm only going to showcase these as they seem to be the most common. These types are machine engraving, hand engraving and laser engraving and I've outlined a little more about each one below. 

  • MACHINE ENGRAVING: First up is machine engraving. This method of engraving is very popular among many well-known, mass producing jewelers and much like the name suggests, it utilizes a machine for the engraving and I've seen it frequently tied to surface engravings. To create this type of engraving, the ring or pendant is secured in place and an engraving tool executes the inscription or design while the engraver or designer traces the pattern. As you can imagine, this method can be limiting because the machinery is only capable of producing the templates it is equipped with so you have to choose what's available and are left with no room for creativity. Also, as with most mechanically produces items the engravings tend to be very precise and neat with very little (if any) variation from piece to piece and the engravings aren't very deep so they may not last very long before needing a touch-up. 
  • HAND ENGRAVING: Next up is my personal favorite - hand engraving or seal engraving as it is sometimes referred to. Much as the name suggests, this type of engraving is expertly executed by hand, often in reverse to suit the original use of signets, and is an art form that has been around for thousands of years. As with anything done by hand, no two pieces are exactly alike so you can ensure a level of uniqueness to your piece when you choose this method. Also, because of the time and expertise required to perfect such an engraving, hand engraving tends to take longer and justifiably cost more than the other two options. Another major benefit of this method is the freedom it allows. Rather than being bound by the restraints of a machine's templates, hand engraving allows for virtually any design under the sun and is 100% customizable for each person. This method also results in a deeper engraving that lasts for generations. Plus, it's absolutely gorgeous! 
  • LASER ENGRAVING: Last but not least, laser engraving is very similar to machine engraving in that it also uses a machine to execute the design, but it offers more flexibility. In this case, a design is programed into a computer and produced by a laser (machine). Unlike machine engraving that is limited to only a set number of templates, laser engraving allows for more customization but just like machine engraving these designs are often very precise and neat and have little to no variation in each cut which ultimately creates a very uniform looking design. Another benefit of laser engraving is the variety of metals that it can be used on other than gold - such as titanium and stainless steel. This allows for more options to suit your individual budget and personal preferences.


Now that we've gone over the types of engravings, I want to touch on the styles and designs you can choose from. As you can imagine, your design choices are often dictated by the engraving type you choose, but traditionally speaking signets are engraved with either a heraldic symbol or family crest, personal monogram or custom design. Here I've outlined a little more about each.

  • HERALDRY: First up is heraldry which is essentially "the system by which coats of arms and other armorial bearings are devised, described, and regulated." As you can imagine, there is an incredible amount of history housed within the study and use of heraldry and to have a deep understanding of both heraldry and heraldic symbols can take years. For the sake of this post I am only going to lightly touch on the two main categories that are often utilized in signet ring design.

    • FAMILY CREST OR COAT OF ARMS: A coat of arms or crest is a heraldic design that represents a family or families, person, state, organization or corporation. Given the historical purpose of a signet ring, you can imagine that these are a very popular choice for engravings. Often times in this instance a customer will go into the signet ring process with their crest already available, but if you're interested in this route and don't know your crest the best signet ring designers will help you find it! In the case of Ruff's Signet Rings, Ali explained that they "have books of crests available (Fairbairn’s and Debrett’s) and are always happy to help customers find a crest." Ali also shared that "there isn’t a crest for every name and sometimes there are tens of crests for one name!" If you don't have a crest though, not to worry because "you have a great opportunity to create your own design and should never be put off a signet ring due to lack of crest!" So wonderfully said and I completely agree! Which brings us to the next category - heraldic symbols.

    • HERALDIC SYMBOLS: Technically, family crests are heraldic symbols but here I want to go over the use of individual symbols such as birds, crowns etc. When it comes to symbolism there are countless options with different meanings to suit everyone and it's my personal favorite for engravings. As a lover of symbolism, I'm fascinated by the meanings behind different flowers, animals and figures and it's something that I love for personalizing jewelry, accessories and housewares. Even though the study of symbolism is varied and diverse, a simple google search will often suffice to help you narrow in on the symbols that best represent you and your hopes, dreams, values and characteristics. 

  • MONOGRAM OR INITIALS: Next up is a monogram or initials and is another fan favorite when it comes to signet rings. I love the personalization that comes from having your monogram etched into a signet ring and I think that it's a wonderful way to customize not only your jewelry but also your clothing and decor - in moderation of course. Much like symbols and coats of arms, the design options are endless for these and especially if you work with a designer who will be hand engraving your signet, you can choose just about any font under the sun. 

  • CUSTOMIZED, ORIGINAL DESIGN: Last but not least (for the sake of this post) is a 100% original customized design. I LOVE the idea of an already personalized item being customized even further and have seen designs that range from sentimental to funny and each one tells a story unique to the owner that makes it so special. Plus, if you work with a truly stellar signet ring designer liker Ruff's, they can help you design something unique. I asked Ali of Ruff's this very question and I'd love to share her response with you now. 

    • Q: I love how customizable signet rings are. If a customer wants an original engraving that isn't a family crest, monogram or heraldic symbol, can your team help them design something unique? We certainly can. We have some talented artists at our deposal who can turn the most basic sketches or even verbal idea into something really special. When customers are designing something themselves we ask them to think about what's sentimental to them. Maybe there’s an animal or a plant. It may be that a heraldic image of this already exists or we start entirely from scratch. Either way the result is always beautiful. These rings are often my favourites and you can see some great examples of these on our Instagram feed. 


When it came time for me to choose the engraving for my signet, I knew I wanted something memorable but was initially overwhelmed by all of the choices. Should I try and track down my family crest? Should I get my initials? As I scoured the internet and Pinterest for ideas, I asked my sisters what words, feelings or animals came to mind when they thought of me. Almost immediately, they agreed on a bumblebee because they're small but strong and efficient. 

I instantly loved it so I began searching for bumblebee engravings and fell more in love with every image. As if that weren't enough though, I also uncovered that the bee is connected to the sun and often represents brightness. The bee also symbolizes community, cooperation, hard work and personal power - how cool is that?

What's more, many sources claim that the bumblebee serves as a reminder to pursue your dreams, no matter how great they seem and to also extract the sweetness of life. These lessons are exactly what I strive to get out of life every day and I couldn't be happier about having a delicate reminder on my hand. 

Heraldic Bees - number - 5 - signet-ring.jpg

When it comes to my exact engraving, Ali at Ruff's sent over a selection of traditional bumblebee engravings and each were incredibly beautiful - which didn't make it any easier to decide!

Ultimately though, I picked the image to the left because I love the dainty bee and cluster of roses - my favorite flower because of their divine smell and the fact that they represent love, passion and devotion which are also characteristics I strive for in life. 

Also, when I asked Ali what the symbolism behind the twisted rope was, she explained that it's actually what's known as a wreath and it's what all crests sit on - how cool! You can of course have this omitted if you prefer the design without it.

And there you have it! Now that I've decided on every detail that goes into a signet, the ring is off at the engravers and I can't wait to share the final product with you in the coming weeks. I couldn't be more excited about the entire process and Ali and the Ruff's team have been a complete dream to work with! I want to take a moment now to thank them again for such a remarkable opportunity and I am over the moon with excitement for the final product. When that time comes I'll of course be sharing loads of pictures and uploading a video on YouTube that will summarize everything we've reviewed so that you can easily reference it for your own signet. I'll also of course be sharing few styling tips to round it all out. 

How To Get Ready Fast & Still Look Great

In today's post, I'm sharing a few of my favorite tips and tricks that help me get ready quickly without sacrificing style. These tips include things I do with my hair, clothing and makeup, and I've relied on them for years to get me out the door looking great when I'm either running late or can't be bothered to put a lot of time into how I look.


First up, let's talk hair. One of my favorite tips for ensuring my hair looks great with very little effort in the morning is to do my hair the night before. So, whatever your preferred style is, I recommend knocking it out before you go to bed and then protecting it with a loose bun, satin cap or braid so that when you wake up in the morning all you have to do is let it out, tousle and go.

Which brings me to my second hair tip. If you're like me and you try not to wash your hair everyday then I'm sure you love dry shampoo but I've found that using dry shampoo the night before is a million times better than using it in the morning. Doing this helps the dry shampoo to really set in and fully and help prevent oil before it starts. Plus, it also helps eliminate the white cast if you have dark hair like me.

Then I just brush it out in the morning and I'm good to go. If you don't like traditional dry shampoo or just want to save a little money, you can also use a little baby powder, corn starch or even your favorite setting powder for the exact same effect!


                          ADD A DISTRACTION

Now let's say you wake up and despite your best efforts, your hair is just not cooperating. When this happens to me I love to save time and rather than redo my hair which can take forever, I just pull it back in a pony or low bun, and throw on some statement earrings or even a great scarf. This simple combination instantly elevates my look and makes me look and feel put together without having to spend forever fussing over my hair. Plus, a few of my favorite scarf ties only take a few seconds to complete which makes things super simple. If scarves aren't your thing or you need longer than a few seconds to get them right, a statement blazer will be your new best friend. I have a few that I love to throw on top of monochromatic outfits in a pinch. It instantly transforms simple separates in no time. 



Which brings me to my next tip - when all else fails, throw on your "uniform." I've touched on this in the past and I have a few more videos all about this coming up, but honing in a few "uniforms" or easy outfit combinations that always make you feel like a million bucks will help ensure you always have an outfit to wear when you're pressed for time. A few of my personal uniforms are a white shirt and jeans or pants, a simple sweater and tailored bottom or a monochromatic look with a great scarf or blazer thrown on top. 



My last tip in the fashion department is to invest in wrinkle-free pieces and then wear those when you're running late! 

I have a few wrinkle resistant shirts (this is my fave!) and bottoms that I not only love for traveling but also for when I'm running late and don't have time to iron or steam my clothes, because they always look freshly pressed with no effort.

If you don't have any wrinkle resistant items then you can hang your shirt or pants in the bathroom with you while you shower to release any creases and/or you can run over your collar or any other wrinkly bits with your hair straightener for a quick fix.


Next up, let's talk makeup. If you wear makeup then you'll know the frustration of using products that just don't work. To help avoid this all-together and especially when I'm running late, I rely on a capsule makeup collection of my favorite products that always work and make me feel fantastic. Once I have these products, I use them to customize a signature makeup look that I can complete in 5-10 minutes. If you don't quite have this down yet, I recommend practicing on the weekends or in the evenings when you have free time until you have a routine that always works for you.




When all else fails, throw on blush or a bright lip. Eye makeup is too complicated and can really set you back when you're running late but a bright lip takes no time to apply and instantly makes you look like you spent a lot longer getting ready than you actually did. Now, if you're not a lip person like me then opt for a bright, youthful blush instead. This will wake up your face and make you look more bright eyed and polished. 


And there you have it! If you'd like to see some of these tips in action you can watch my corresponding video to the left and I'd love to know if you have any great time saving hacks. Definitely let me know and thanks so much for stopping by!

Trend Tuesday: Tortoise Shell Earrings


Today's post kicks off a new mini series called "Trend Tuesday" where I'll be highlighting a different trend a few Tuesdays of every month. These trends will be things that can be easily incorporated into a classic wardrobe for the perfect update. 

Also, since I love classic pieces that can be worn for years, and easily updated with trendy pieces as needed, these trends will all be very wearable. I find that this balance allows me to participate in trends without feeling like a slave to fashion. Plus, a few carefully selected trends ensure that I look modern, but not like I'm trying too hard - after all, I want to wear the trends, I don't want them to wear me!

So, to kick off this series, I'm sharing a few of my favorite tortoise shell hoops that are incredibly popular at the moment but are still classic enough that they can easily be worn season after season for years to come.

1. BANANA REPUBLIC TOKYO TORTOISE HOOP EARRING | First up is this fun pair from Banana Republic that features a light tortoise shell in a classic hoop style. What sets these apart though is the beautiful gold detailing that adds a lovely little shine. 

2. MACHETE FRANCES EARRINGS IN ASH BLONDE | Next up, is a pair from Machete that I am particularly excited about. This gorgeous, slightly oblong hoop comes in a variety of shades (the ash blonde is pictured here), and is made from high quality tortoise shell acetate that is imported from Italy and non-petroleum based. From Machete, "cellulose acetate is a natural and renewable material, providing an eco-friendly alternative to petroleum-based material." How amazing is that? Not only are their designs classic and cool, they're also beautifully constructed and very reasonably priced. 

3. MACHETE BLONDE TORTOISE MINI | If you prefer more subtle jewelry, this small pair from Machete is perfect. The pale tortoise coupled with the smaller size make them very wearable and easy to throw on with everything from t-shirts to turtlenecks. 

4. MACHETE KATE HOOPS IN ASH BLONDE | How gorgeous are these earrings? I ordered this pair for myself and I love the slightly thicker (but still very wearable) silhouette and the light ash blonde color is divine. For me and my coloring, I think it will look great against my light to medium olive/yellow skin and black hair. Plus, the colors running throughout them will go beautifully with everything from white to black and grey to camel. I'm completely smitten and know that I'll get a ton of wear out of these for years to come.  

5. DEAR SOHO RED BLUSH TORTOISE HOOP EARRING | Next up is a really beautiful pair in blush pink tortoise shell. I love these for adding a pop to white and other pastel shades. 

In addition to the Kate earrings in ash blonde, I also picked up these and I'm so excited to wear them with everything from button downs to linen tops to sweaters and blazers! Below, I've included a few outfit ideas with how I plan to wear these all year. 

toptrench / jeans / slides / earrings / sunglasses / watch / purse
