ON MY RADAR | No. 11

ON MY RADAR | No. 11

Happy Friday! Even though I am lucky enough to work from home and for myself, I still look forward to the weekends to recharge and spend some quality time with Jason. In addition to the usual activities, this week we've also tackled sanding our entire first floor which includes the living room, dining room and kitchen! It's been a dusty process but all-in-all, I'm very happy with how they're turning out and can't wait to see them fully restored to their former glory.


It's favorites time again! This past month I've been loving a few new beauty bits, a great new restaurant here in Charleston and a few other things - including a YouTuber I've loved for years. As always, I've put everything together in a video for you that you watch here or below. Thanks so much for watching and here's to a great October (hopefully filled with plenty of Halloween cheer and festive candy). 

ON MY RADAR | No. 10

ON MY RADAR | No. 10

I have pretty big plans for this weekend and I can't wait to get started! First up on the agenda is to potentially paint the brick on our downstairs fireplace. A few weeks ago I painted the mantle and have been itching to paint the bricks ever since. Normally I wouldn't be keen on painting over brick, but the bricks in the downstairs fireplace aren't original and have been repaired with mismatched cement so I think painting it will make a world of difference. Next up, Jason and I are hoping to start patch testing our floors for the best way to refinish them. Fingers crossed that all goes well and if you have experience refinishing old pine floors, let me know in the comments what worked for you. Now, onto what I've been loving this week. 



The sun is shining, the grass is green, it's 85 degrees and I'm sharing my fall capsule! Given the incredibly warm temperatures lately, I've decided to change up how I do my capsule this season to avoid having items just hanging in my closet unworn for a few more months. So, instead of laying out a fall capsule that includes the heavier seasonal items that I will need closer to November, I'm leaving them out for the next few weeks or months while things cool down.
