5 Things I Miss About NYC + 5 Things I Definitely Don't

First of all, happy Valentine's day! Regardless of your what you're doing today, I hope your day is filled with love and happiness. Now, onto the post at hand.

This past weekend Jason and I were back in the city for a friend's wedding which was absolutely beautiful from start to finish, but after being away from the Big Apple for 9 months I was able to see it all in a slightly different light and I realized there are a few things that I will always miss about the city that never sleeps.

That said though, there are also a few I can continue to do without - which brings me to today's post. Today I wanted to take a minute to share 5 of the things that I miss the most about NY since moving down to Charleston along with 5 things I definitely didn't miss. 


Hands down the thing I miss the most about NY is the food. Even though Charleston has some of the best restaurants around, our culinary diversity is still somewhat limited.

Recently more than ever I have found myself longing for the best baklava in the world, a cozy winter dinner at one of my favorite restaurants, the best greek cuisine around and various cheap eats from any of the countless places that Jason and I used to frequent - like this one, this one and this one to name just a few.

Not to mention the incredible desserts and pastries from places like Maison Kayser (one seriously needs to open Charleston already!) and Dough (once you have Dough you will never be able to eat other doughnuts again - seriously). 


As cliché as it sounds, nothing beats the energy of the city.

There's just something about it that I can't quite put my finger on but I love none-the-less. From the constant hustle and bustle to the endless desire to succeed, New York has a way of fueling even the most irrational of goals, and it's something that I continue to find endlessly inspiring.

Countless people head to the Big Apple every day in pursuit of making their mark on this world and their energy and drive is contagious. 


Oh the people watching!

From the parks to restaurants to the subway, there is no end to phenomenal people watching and I was reminded of that this weekend.

Even in the sleet and snow, New York has a way of pulling out who you really are and encouraging self-expression in unique ways that result in some of the most enjoyable people watching around.

Plus, the access to endless fashion resources makes for a constant stream of sartorial inspiration. 



I debated including this next one because in some ways New York is on the cusp of innovation and change, but on the other hand it can also be quite stifling to progress and personal evolution.

That said though, I miss being one of the first to experience new things which were often tested on New Yorkers.

For example, while in an Uberpool this weekend our car mate let us in on a new app called Juno (like Uber but cheaper) which is currently only being tested in the city.  



Next up is the walking.

Despite being miserable in the dead of winter, I really miss being able to walk everywhere. Not only did I love how easy it was to stay relatively fit, but I also loved that the city is so well designed for foot traffic.

Plus, I first fell in love with NY while strolling the quiet sidewalks with Jason when we moved there in 2010.

Just thinking about it now makes me miss those long walks. Especially in the spring and fall when the city is most alive and feels like something straight out of a movie. 


At the top of the list of things I don't miss is the smell and lack of fresh air. Somehow regardless of the time of year, weather or temperature the city always smells. The aroma coupled with the lack of fresh air can feel suffocating and I don't miss it one bit. 


Next up is the subway. Even though I miss walking in the city I do not miss the subway. Not only is the metro ridiculously loud, but it's also smelly, crowded, inconsistent and often unreliable. Needless to say, taking the train day in and day out grows old very quickly.    


This one is two fold. Beyond just being over the constant sleet, snow and slush that makes up NY weather from November through February (sometimes even March!) I also don't miss having to walk in the elements.

No matter what the temperature or weather, living in the city means walking in the weather and even for someone who loves to walk like I do, it got old.

Plus, these 70 degree winters are pretty fantastic. 



Even though the energy in the city is contagious, the constant go go go can become quite tiring. That coupled with the stress created a quality of life that felt aging and overdone. Needless to say, I couldn't be happier with my newfound sense of balance 


Last but certainly not least is the lack of space in the city. Whether you've lived in the city or not you know of the often laughable living conditions and smaller than small apartments that many residents tolerate. While Jason and I were lucky to have a pre-war apartment at a great price we still often felt cramped and longed for outdoor space that we could call our own - not to mention the defeating lack of ownership that comes from paying rent month after month.

Now that our first floor alone is larger than our entire Brooklyn apartment we don't know how we did it for so long. Plus, having an outdoor space to call our own makes the whole thing that much better.

All-in-all, if I had to summarize my feelings for the city in one phrase it would be simply "New York is always a good idea." Despite my ongoing love-hate relationship with one of the greatest cities in the world, I hope that I will be lucky enough to revisit often to never forget the optimism, excitement and drive that took me there in the first place. As Mary Schmich said “Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard." I like to think that I did just that and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. 

Until next time,


Trend Report: no. 1

Trend Report: no. 1

Happy Friday! Today's post is the first of a new series called "Trend Report" in which I share some of the trends I'm loving at the moment along with some of the key pieces I have my eye on. As you know, Jason and I are headed up to snowy New York for a Friend's wedding today and the impending chill has me dreaming of all things Spring.

How I Care For My Silk & Cashmere

Today's post is one that I've been working on for a while because I wanted it to be just right. As you know, I love silk and cashmere and over the years I have collected a small selection of basics in these luxe fabrics. Beyond being super luxurious to wear, one of the reasons I love these materials so much is because they tend to last longer in my closet - when cared for appropriately. With that in mind, today's post is all about how I keep my pieces looking fresh for years so that you can look after your own investments and really stretch that wardrobe dollar.


When it comes to washing silk and cashmere the name of the game is to be as gentle as possible. To accomplish this I take a multi-pronged approached that I've broken out below based on cashmere and silk individually.


  1. Like my silk, I always wash my cashmere in a clean bowl rather than the sink or tub. 
  2. Next, I fill my bowl with luke warm water and add about a cap full of the detergent - this one by The Laundress is my favorite because it's super gentle, lasts forever and smells amazing.
  3. Like my silk, I then slowly lower my sweater into the water - the only difference is that I wash my cashmere inside out so that I can ensure all the hidden bits get nice and clean.
  4. Once my sweater is clean I remove it from the water slowly and gently press it between my palms to remove the excess water. This step is especially important because if you hang a sopping wet sweater or blouse to dry, the weight of the water will stretch it out.


  1. When it comes time to wash my silk I always do so in a separate, clean bowl rather than the silk or tub. The reason being that then I  don't need to worry about residue from the silk or tub transferring to my tops. 
  2. Once I have my bowl I fill it just below the top with luke warm water (don't fill it too high otherwise you'll end up with a mess once you add your shirt).
  3. Next, I add detergent as directed - this one by The Laundress is my favorite for it's light scent and gentle formula. 
  4. Now it's time to do the actual washing. For this step I like to gently swish my shirt in the soapy water like I'm kneading bread. I do this very gently for about 1/2 a minute
  5. Once my blouse is sufficiently clean, I lift it slowly from the water and ever so slightly press it between my palms. 

Once your pieces are sufficiently washed, you can move onto rinsing them. For that I like to rinse each item in luke warm water for a few seconds to ensure that all of the soap residue is removed. Also, an important thing to remember for both silk and cashmere is that you never want to ring your pieces because you will ruin the shape and deteriorate the fabric more quickly. Instead, I like to gentle press my blouses and sweaters together to remove any excess water. Now that the washing is done, it's time to move onto drying! 


For me, the drying part of the process is my least favorite because it requires a lot of patience. Even though hand washing my sweaters and blouses may seem like a lot of work it's actually very quick and the whole thing only takes me a few minutes. The drying process on the other hand can take upwards of several hours depending on how humid it is but I have a few tips to speed it up none-the-less. 

  1. First of all, I always dry my pieces on a drying rack (this is the one I have and I think it's great!) because it ensures that I can lay my sweaters and blouses flat so that the sleeves don't get stretched out and the threads don't become weak too quickly.
  2. Next, like I mentioned briefly above I always ensure that my sweaters are laying as flat as possible - I have a clip of this in the video below. By doing this and taking care not to let my sleeves hang off the sides of my drying rack, I am able to help ensure that my sweaters don't become stretched out. 
  3. Another thing I keep in mind when drying my pieces is that sweaters in particular can take quite a while to dry (blouses are usually really quick) so I try not to leave my sweater care to the last minute if I know I will need them within a day or two. 
  4. Beyond that I just keep my drying rack in the bathroom while my pieces dry so that water doesn't ruin the other floors in my house. One thing to note is to be careful when entering your bathroom while your items are drying because they can drip onto the floor making it slippery - I like to put a towel under the rack to help catch the excess water and prevent a slip and fall. 


Once my pieces are squeaky clean and ready to wear, the last step in the process is maintenance to ensure that stains are treated properly and wrinkles and pills are tended to. For stains, I defer to The Laundress again and this tutorial and their fantastic stain treatment.

When it comes to wrinkles I use a good old fashioned steamer. This one is the one I use and I love it because it's hand-held and portable and the water heats up very quickly. The only thing to keep in mind when working with a steamer is that they can be a little unpredictable at times and can splatter water at you so always be careful and work with the nozzle facing away from you. 

Lastly, I tend to sweater pills by carefully trimming them with manicure scissors like these. I know that most people also use a sweater brush but I haven't added one to my routine yet. That said, I am very interested in doing so and have my eye on this one

That's all! I know that initially the upkeep of cashmere and sweater can seem daunting but for me at least, once I got the hang of it is has been super simple and well worth the effort. Not only do my pieces last longer, but I save a ton of dry cleaning fees by tending to these fabrics myself. Before I go, I've embedded my corresponding video below for you that I hope will help further explain everything I've outlined here. I've also linked most of the products mentioned throughout this post below along with some of my favorite cashmere and silk pieces. 


Until next time,


5 Free Ways To Spread The Love This Valentine's Day

Happy Tuesday and I hope you're having a great week. With Valentine's Day next week (is it just me or is this year flying by??) I've been thinking about some of my favorite ways that Jason and I have celebrated over the 10 years that we've been together. Even though there have been years that we've gone out for dinner or seen a movie, by far my favorite v-day celebrations haven't cost us a dime so today I want to share my 5 favorite ways to spread the love this year without dropping a dollar. Whether you're dating, engaged, married or single each of these displays of affection are perfect for showing someone that you care. 

Get Cookin'

Whether we're cooking together or for each other, I love the idea of making a meal for the ones you love. Especially on a day like Valentine's Day whipping up breakfast in bed for your significant other or having friends over for an at-home cooking party is a great way to show that you care. 

Let Me Count The Ways

Another favorite of mine is to put into words all of the things I love about another person. Whether I say it out loud throughout the day, leave little notes scattered around the house or put it all together in a hand-made booklet or love letter, I think that taking the time to actually tell another person why they're important to you is such a lovely gesture. Plus, this particular display of affection works just as well for significant others as it does for parents, siblings and friends so that everyone can feel the love this Valentine's Day. 

Movie Night In

As someone who loves movies, I am thrilled each time Jason and I stay in to watch a flick. Plus, with Netflix, Amazon, Hulu and more it's never been easier to stream a movie for free this Valentine's Day.

Take A Hike

Next, involves getting out of the house and dedicating some tech-free time to one another. Weather permitting, I love to spend an afternoon taking a hike or strolling on the beach with no distractions. Not only does this cost nothing, but it's a great way to reconnect in nature without modern distractions. 


Last but certainly not least is a great way to spread the love to those less fortunate. Even though any day is great for volunteering, I think Valentine's Day is especially wonderful for it. Whether you work a shift at the food bank or even just donate some of your unused clothing (especially coats are great during these cold months), giving to others is such a lovely way to let people know that someone, somewhere is thinking of them. 

That's everything! Those are 5 of my favorite cost-free displays of affection for Valentine's Day. I hope that these ideas, even though basic help inspire you to spread the love without spending a dime this year and I hope you have a great rest of the day.

Until next time,

