How To Wear A White Shirt 4 Ways: Project 1-4-4: 1 Item, 4 Seasons, 4 Ways

It's no surprise at this point that I favor simplicity when it comes to my wardrobe. From capsule dressing to choosing pieces that can worn multiple ways, I love doing more with less. In keeping with this approach, I have shared glimpses in the past of the pieces I wear year-round, but moving forward I want to really delve into them with a new series called Project 1-4-4. 

Doing More With Less And Choosing Wardrobe Essentials Wisely

This series which stands for 1 item, 4 seasons, 4 ways, will highlight the pieces that I simply can't live without in my wardrobe all year long. These pieces are usually in every one of my capsules regardless of the season and they represent my eternal goal of doing more with less by carefully selecting versatile pieces.

With this in mind, I will share one of these items in each post along with why I love it for winter, spring, summer and fall, and how I style it for each season. My hope is that this series will inspire you to wear your pieces multiple ways while also offering insight into what it takes to have a highly functional, well-rounded wardrobe. After-all, with all of the gorgeous outfit inspiration out there it is easy to become overwhelmed and loose sight of what is real life and what is merely pinspiration.

Also, as you read these posts I would LOVE to hear how you remix your wardrobe and would be thrilled to see how you style each piece seasonally by tagging me in your pics on Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag #Project144. So, to kick things off I'm going to start with the white shirt. 

Why Everyone Needs A Classic White Shirt  

The white shirt is the quintessential wardrobe basic. The perfect combination of effortless sophistication and relaxed elegance, the white shirt serves as the perfect blank canvas for almost any outfit. When choosing a shirt to fill this role in your wardrobe I recommend choosing one that flatters without looking frumpy (look for seaming and darts to highlight your shape) and is either 100% cotton or a high-quality blend like 80% cotton, 20% spandex.

For an added element of versatility I also recommend looking for a white shirt that is either non-iron or can be spiffed up easily with little more than a quick steam. These points will help ensure that you can grab your white shirt to finish any look in a pinch and won't be running around looking for an iron 5 minutes before you need to leave for work.

Below, I have outlined how I wear this classic staple in each season. You can also see more of my white shirt inspiration here on Pinterest. 

 How To Style A White Shirt In Spring

When winter begins to thaw and the first blooms appear, I love to wear my white shirt tucked into a printed skirt with ballet flats. The printed skirt helps liven up the white shirt and hint at warmer weather to come while the ballet flats help protect my feet from any rogue snow left over from cooler days. 

How To Style A White Shirt In Summer

Once summer is in full swing I love to pair my white shirt with simple chino shorts and lightweight sandals. A long beaded necklace and rolled up sleeves help make the shirt more relaxed while a structured purse keeps it from feeling mismatched. 

How To Style A White Shirt In Fall

For fall I love nothing more than layering my white shirt under a quilted vest and silk scarf. I leave the shirt untucked over slim jeans for an equestrian vibe that doesn't feel too costumey. To finish off the look with the perfect autumn twist I also wear a crossbody purse and riding boots. 

How To Style A White Shirt In Winter

With winter comes my favorite holidays so I like to make the most of festive dressing while still keeping it subtle. To achieve this I love to wear my white shirt under a super soft sweater with a great pair of pants in a festive plaid print.

Below, I have embedded a quick YouTube video I filmed displaying these outfits that I hope will inspire you to rework your white shirt year round. Also, I have included some of my favorite white shirts on the market now. 

Until next time, 


5 Must-Read Tips For First Time Home Buyers + An Update On Our Search

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Since moving to Charleston in May, Jason and I have had a blast discovering our new city while also searching for our first home! When we first decided to leave New York, one of our major goals was to embrace a more balanced way of life while also getting more bang for our buck.

Since setting foot on South Carolina soil, we have seen countless properties and researched every neighborhood in search of our first home. Throughout it all, our main objective has been to find a great house with tons of potential that we can add our own stamp to - all while maintaining the rich historical integrity of an older home and this lovely city. 

Needless to say, this is no small feat, especially in a city growing as quickly as Charleston. Just in the past three months we have seen house after house sell within days (sometimes hours!) of being listed.

All-in-all, our search has taken us through some scary fixer-uppers, some gorgeous updated homes and some properties with amazing potential that would work better for someone else. We even got so far as having our offer accepted on a house only to have the contract fall through due to some undisclosed issues with the home. 

Regardless of the ups and downs this search has provided, or the fact that it has been down right frustrating at times, we couldn't be more excited to become first time home buyers. The craziest part of all is that after having lived in New York in a 1 bedroom apartment (for nearly 6 years!) it seems unreal that we could soon have more than 500 square feet - what will we do with all the space?!

Anyway, despite not finding our home (yet), I have learned a ton throughout this process and thought it might help some of you. Whether you're house hunting too or are just dreaming of starting the process, I hope these tips will help you navigate the confusing world of home buying. Before we jump into the tips though, I have to say that these are just the 5 things that have helped me but you should always consult a professional and do what works the best for you. 

5 Must-Read Tips For First Time Home Buyers


Set A Budget & A Wish List

When you decide to buy a home, the first thing I would recommend is to set a budget and make your wish list. After doing this and researching the homes available in your price range you may discover that compromises need to be made.

At this point it is important to honestly re-evaluate what you want in a home. Would it be nice to have 4 bedrooms, an updated gourmet kitchen and a great backyard? Sure, but for most of us (and certainly for me!) compromises will have to be made.

For example, for Jason and I it is very important for us to purchase a home downtown that has some history and age to it. While we could more easily achieve a larger home in one of the surrounding boroughs of Charleston, we really want to be in the center of it all and have the great restaurants, parks and historic King Street within walking distance. Also, we aren't interested in newer homes so we decided early on to compromise on space in favor of location and history. 

Another thing to keep in mind when working with your budget, is to get a pre-approval from your lender so you know exactly (or at least close to it) how much you can afford. This is especially important when searching for a home that may need renovations or cosmetic updates to suit your taste.

Sure, a home may be listed for an attractive price but once you tour it and realize that it will need a new roof, new plumbing, foundation work etc, the price skyrockets into a territory way beyond your means. Just remember, the last thing you want for your introduction to home ownership is a money pit. 

Research, Research, Research 

This takes us to my next tip - research, research research. Due to the high demand of homes downtown and the nature of older homes in general (typically smaller rooms, no walk-in closets etc), massive amounts of space only come with a very steep price tag or intensive renovations that require deep pockets.

While searching for homes in our price range we quickly noticed that we knew very little about how much a new roof, or new plumping would cost. To remedy this and make ourselves more knowledgable home buyers, we researched like crazy! We spoke with friends, family, local experts and even fellow Charleston home buyers to gather as much information as possible. The beauty of the internet is that most things are only a click away and with a little bit of time you can gather estimates for making changes to a home.

In line with this point, I would also recommend that you over estimate how much certain changes (large and small) will cost. That way you can honestly evaluate a home for the worst case scenario and not unintentionally sign up for a total gut job that far exceeds your means. 

In the nature of research, I also recommend becoming very familiar with your city, the housing market on a macro level and what each neighborhood has to offer.

For example, throughout our search Jason and I have familiarized ourselves with the varying neighborhoods and have narrowed in on the desirable areas, the up-and-coming areas, and the areas that aren't up-and-coming yet but will be soon - helloooo investors. This research has also helped us determine which neighborhoods may be a better investment simply because they are undergoing block wide renovations and each house seems to sell for slightly more than the last. 

Sign Up For Realty Search Engines

My next tip is to sign up for any and all realty search engines. With nearly everything available online these days it is no surprise that you can easily peruse housing listings from your phone with the likes of,,,, and more. 

Once you have your budget, wish list and location locked down you can sign up for one or all of these sights, create a profile with your details, and you will be alerted the moment a new house is listed. This real-time approach to realty is especially helpful if you're house hunting in a competitive market like we are. Being alerted to new listings the moment they happen will help you beat the competition, or at the very least meet it half-way. 

For example, a few weeks ago we received a notification that a house matching our criteria had been listed so we drove out to take a look and scheduled a walk-through. Unfortunately, so had everyone else, and within hours of being listed the home had been sold for cash to an investor!

While this instance is certainly an unusual one, my point is that you need every edge you can get in a competitive market, and sites like Zillow and Redfin help you familiarize yourself with current listings and what past listings have gone for in your desired area. 

Pick A Realtor (Or Don't)

In line with signing up for these realty engines, you should also settle on a realtor - or don't! Depending on your needs, sites like even offer a cash back incentive if you hire one of their realtors. If that approach works for you, then I encourage you to go that route. If you would rather take a more conventional approach, then finding a realtor that you trust and can rely on is a must.

For this step in the process I recommend consulting with friends and family who have purchased homes in your area and see who they worked with - maybe they can recommend someone and save you the leg work of vetting realtors yourself. 

Be Flexible

My final tip for house hunting is to be flexible. Regardless of obstacles the process brings, I would encourage you to stay optimistic throughout it all, and be flexible to change. For example, you wouldn't want to put a damper on this exciting time by getting hung up on having a walk-in closet.

Instead, try to focus on the bigger picture and make reasonable accommodations as the market changes, your needs change and you become more knowledgable. Yes the process has ups and downs but ultimately buying a home is one of the most exciting things you can do. For me it signals positive change and growth, and Jason and I are incredibly excited to be starting this new chapter in our life together. 

At the end of the day, I feel incredibly fortunate that we're able to buy a home at all, and I have vowed to enjoy every second of the process.

Until next time, 


A Week In Breckenridge, Colorado

Day 1

Earlier this month I traveled to Breckenridge, Colorado with my family for a week of Rocky Mountain views. As someone who has never visited Colorado before, I was eager to see what the Centennial state had to offer and was blown away by the intense natural beauty almost immediately. On the day I traveled to Colorado, I caught a very early flight into Denver. After landing in the late afternoon, I met my family at the airport so that we could make the two hour drive to our rental in Breckenridge. From the moment we left the city the skyline opened up to reveal some of the most breathtaking views I have ever seen. That night I tucked in early to help fend off a slight bought of altitude sickness and woke the next morning eager to explore. 


After relaxing for a bit, we set out for the Snowflake Trailhead which was conveniently located a two minute walk from our rental. 


                                                                             I wore my navy blue long-sleeve t, white Levi's 501 CT jeans, Forever 21 hat and Massimo Dutti belt.

The trail, which is really more of a light walk, was such a great way to acclimate to the altitude. Winding gently through bubbling streams and delicate waterfalls, the trail eventually opened up to a perfectly serene lake and sweeping landscape views. Needless to say, I was completely smitten and didn't want to leave.  

Day 2

On the second day, I was still fighting a little altitude sickness so we kept it simple with another light walk. This trail offered continuous mountain views, the freshest air, and the loveliest wildflowers. To suit the cooler than expected temps I wore my Everlane u-neck tee, Madewell jeans and Zara shawl. 

I kept my accessories simple and stuck to my J. Crew bangle and Massimo Dutti belt. 


This adorable little cottage at the end of our hike, was staged as it would have looked during the gold rush. 

Day 4

On our third day in Breckenridge we drove back into Denver to pick up my sister! Unfortunately I left my camera at home so I wasn't able to take any pictures. BUT, on our fourth day we took my favorite hike of the whole trip and snapped more than enough pictures to make up for the day before. 


Known as Hoosier Pass, this gorgeous trail sits at an elevation of 11,539 feet and offers some of the most breathtaking views I have ever seen. 

The weather on our fourth day was absolutely freezing so I wore my black long-sleeve tee, Madewell jeans and Zara leather jacket. For accessories I wore my favorite turquoise Zara necklace, Massimo Dutti belt and Forever 21 hat. 

Simply picturesque, there is truly no other way to describe it. This hike featured a gradual climb and appeared to be nestled in the clouds. Lined with endless wildflowers and gorgeous evergreens, the hike far exceeded my expectations and I highly recommend it if you're ever in the area. 

Day 5

On our fifth and final day in Breckenridge we ventured on another hike - I promise we did more than hike, I just left my camera at home for the downtown walks and delicious dinners. Instead, I captured those parts of our trip over on Instagram stories. Anyway, our final hike was just as lovely as those before it, but definitely a little more difficult. The weather this day was also much cooler than it had been prior so I pulled out my sweater to stay warm. 

The endless hues of green were simply beautiful.

Winding upward into the mountains, this hike was the perfect blend of forest and trails. As if the fresh air and gorgeous views weren't enough, the trail was also covered in lush greenery and had the cutest chipmunks I've ever seen! They were adorably friendly and even ate out of my hand!! I felt like Snow White and managed to capture it on film - included in my trip lookbook below. 

The weather on our final day was the perfect blend of rainy and exhilarating. To suit the cool temps I wore my cream L.L. cableknit sweater, Madwell jeans and new hiking boots. About 15 minutes into our hike it started to rain so I pulled my hair back with a tortoise shell J. Crew barrette. 

All-in-all, I can't recommend Colorado enough. The gorgeous scenery and unbelievably fresh air made it the perfect week long getaway. 

My Perfect Summer Capsule Combination

There is no denying that Charleston is H-O-T during the summer months. This intense heat means that staying cool while still feeling put-together, requires lightweight, simple separates. With this goal in mind, I recently put together this effortless look for an afternoon around town. 

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When the temperatures skyrocket, my favorite thing to wear is a simple white tee. Not only are they easy to pair with anything in my wardrobe, but they are also a great way to stay cool without feeling frumpy. 

One of my favorites is this J. Crew tee that I picked up for my summer capsule. The lightweight cotton and pocket design works perfectly with everything from jeans to shorts and skirts. 

For accessories I kept things fun but simple to add some interest to an otherwise basic outfit. My new round frame sunglasses from Ralph Lauren coupled with my bright blue Julie Vos earrings added some pizazz, while my go-to crossbody and pointed toe flats rounded everything out. 

 Also, how amazing is this bright green door? The front doors in Charleston never cease to amaze me. 


Also, how amazing is this bright green door? The front doors in Charleston never cease to amaze me. 

Capsule Pieces: Everlane U-Neck Cotton Tee, J. Crew Striped Skirt

Accessories: Ralph Lauren round sunglasses, Julie Vos Earrings

Shoes: Everlane Modern Point 

Purse: Louis Vuitton Crossbody

Until next time!
